90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé: Madelein is furious because Luke doesn’t have the money to support her

90 Day Fiancé: Madelein is furious because Luke doesn’t have the money to support her

90 Day Fiancé_ Is Madelein’s Anger About Luke’s Financial Trouble Justified

90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise couple Luke Berry and Madelein Perez have hit a rough patch due to Luke’s financial trouble. Luke, who lives in Los Angeles, lost his job because of his frequent travels to Colombia to visit Madelein. At the start of their relationship, Luke had the means to spoil and support Madelein. Considering he paid for her apartment and helped fund her business, Luke was understandably hesitant to tell her about his money problems. However, his delay in telling Madelein about his unemployment made matters worse.

Due to their age difference, viewers would expect Luke, 30, to be the voice of reason in the relationship. However, Madelein, who’s only 19, is proving to be the wiser partner. Her frustration arose not from Luke’s lack of money but from how he handled the situation. Madeleine expected Luke to move to Colombia to be with her, and the couple’s financial instability might now delay the start of their life together.

Luke Had Invested In Madelein’s Beauty Salon

His Finances Directly Impact Her Business

Madelein’s Beauty Salon

When Luke arrived in Colombia in 90 Day Fiancé: Love in Paradise season 4, Madelein was excited to show him the beauty salon he had helped finance. The scene was a refreshing glimpse into her passion and pride in having accomplished something. However, Luke and Madelein’s conversation turned unexpectedly tense as they were forced to address the financial aspect of maintaining the business.

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“While she had an impressive clientele for a new company, Madelein was nowhere near turning a pprofit”

Luke asked Madelein how many clients she had and how many clients it would take for the salon to break even. While she had an impressive clientele for a new company, Madelein was nowhere near turning a profit. Luke then revealed he could only afford to sustain the business for a few more months, given his financial situation. This was shocking to Madelein, who had no idea about the urgency to turn a profit in a business she had just established.

Luke Did Not Tell Madelein He Had Lost His Job

He Caught Madelein Off Guard

It was unfair of Luke to withhold the details of his financial trouble from Madelein, considering his finances had a direct effect on her business. He allowed her to put energy into establishing a business without telling her he could not sustain it. Because he initially funded the salon, it was fair for Madelein to assume his support would be ongoing. Luke had already been unemployed for a month before he told Madelein. If Luke told her when he lost his job right away, she would have been prepared for the resulting financial pressure rather than being completely blindsided.

Luke also led Madelein to believe he would be staying in Colombia. As she gained more insight into Luke’s financial position, Madelein began to suspect he was only visiting rather than moving to be with her permanently. Luke explained that he did not want to move while unemployed and in the middle of establishing his businesses in America. Madelein was understandably upset that their relationship would continue to be long-distance, which shows the level of affection she has for Luke.

Anger Stemmed From Luke’s Dishonesty

She Was Upset He Hid His Unemployment

Luke and Madeleine from 90 day fiance's love in paradise season 4 looking at each other

Although Madeleine remained relatively calm after Luke’s revelations, the tension between the couple grew when Luke revealed that he had withdrawn from his retirement fund to invest in his sunglasses business. While Madelein knew how hard Luke had been working on his sunglasses, she wasn’t aware he was draining his assets to support this new project.

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