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Below Deck

Below Deck Season 12 Cast Member Seen Aboard St. David Amid Ongoing Filming (SPOILERS)

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Below Deck Season 12 Cast Member Seen Aboard St. David Amid Ongoing Filming (SPOILERS)

Below Deck Season 11 cast montage with kerry at the front

Below Deck season 12’s charter season has been moving along with several different fans having spotted the St. David, confirming one cast member’s return to the series. While Below Deck season 11 may have just ended, the next charter season is well underway and some of the crew working aboard St. David are familiar faces. In some seasons, Below Deck features a crew of fresh faces, but in others, crew members return and choose to join in on the charter for another season of hard work and fun. Several cast members are rumored to return on Below Deck season 12.

According to one Reddit user, u/svCatchinRays2, Below Deck season 11’s Deckhand Kyle Stillie appears confirmed to return to St. David. The user shared a video of Kyle, who seems to be washing dishes in the galley of the superyacht, explaining, “I’ve seen the posts where it does look like his return has been confirmed, and maybe my video verifies it because it sure does look like Kyle doing the dishes in the galley.” Below Deck season 12’s cast also features Captain Kerry Titheradge and Chief Stew Fraser Olender. With three returnees, the rest of the cast is likely new.

Kyle Stillie Deserves To Return For Below Deck Season 12

Kyle Stillie Below Deck Smiling in blue polo promo shot

While Kyle was one of the more rowdy members of the St. David’s crew on Below Deck season 11, he deserves another shot aboard the superyacht after his performance through the prior season. Though Kyle wasn’t promoted to the Lead Deckhand position by Ben Willoughby, who said he wouldn’t return to Below Deck under the leadership of Captain Kerry, he was great in his position of Deckhand, despite some small hiccups. Still learning, Kyle did follow Ben’s lead and chose not to clean his bunk for a room inspection, but his performance on deck was well worth another charter season.

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Kyle’s time aboard St. David during Below Deck season 11 revolved around Stew Barbie Pascual at some points, as his boatmance with his colleague grew throughout the charter season. While Barbie and Kyle appeared to have a good relationship heading into the off-season, their personalities clashed far too much for them to keep things going on land. After Barbie’s meltdown on the final night of the season, she and Kyle reportedly dated for some time before breaking up for good. Single and back aboard a superyacht, it’s possible Kyle could delve into another boatmance on Below Deck season 12.

After Below Deck season 11 ended in a somewhat sour manner for Kyle, his time aboard St. David on the upcoming Below Deck season 12 is hopefully a better experience. Having taken some time off after his first season on the series to visit family in Montana and experience the US, the Scottish Deckhand is surely happy to have the experience of Below Deck season 11 under his belt. Now, as a seasoned Below Deck veteran, Kyle will be able to handle the drama along with his duties as a Deckhand aboard St. David.

After Below Deck season 11 ended in a somewhat sour manner for Kyle, his time aboard St. David on the upcoming Below Deck season 12 is hopefully a better experience. Having taken some time off after his first season on the series to visit family in Montana and experience the US, the Scottish Deckhand is surely happy to have the experience of Below Deck season 11 under his belt. Now, as a seasoned Below Deck veteran, Kyle will be able to handle the drama along with his duties as a Deckhand aboard St. David.


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