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90 Day Fiance

Is Big Ed Brown’s life better after breaking up with Liz Woods?

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Is Big Ed Brown’s life better after breaking up with Liz Woods?

Montage Of Big Ed Brown wearing blue shirt and Liz Woods looking glum in the background90 Day Fiancé

Big Ed Brown from the 90 Day Fiancé franchise is no longer with Liz Woods, but he’d still be a good fit for 90 Days: The Single Life. The former San Diego resident first met his ex-fiancée at a local restaurant. Ed liked Liz’s personality and decided to pursue her despite red flags, such as the age gap and personality differences. The couple had a stable first few months, but things worsened shortly after. Ed and Liz began facing challenges that pushed them to break up and reconcile numerous times over their three years together.

Ed and Liz were on the verge of ending their relationship in 2023. However, they decided to give each other one final chance by seeking therapy in 90 Day: The Last Resort. Unfortunately, even the experts couldn’t improve their unfixable relationship. In 2024, Ed and Liz returned to TV in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8. The show featured their final breakup, as Ed ran away from Liz days after a minor argument. He also canceled their wedding, making it obvious that he no longer wanted to have a future with Liz.

Big Ed Is Willing To Return To The Franchise

Ed Isn’t Desperate To Be On The Show

Ed has recently talked to ET Online and revealed that he’s open to returning to the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. He’d love to come back if the network gives him another opportunity. However, Ed isn’t desperate to be a part of the franchise. Instead, he’s focusing his energy on looking for a partner who’s a better fit for him. Ed has also shared that he’d do anything to respect his partner’s privacy. He’d even give up on his potential reality TV return if his future partner isn’t comfortable sharing her story publicly.

Ed is certainly making the right choice. Over the years, Ed has been accused of being self-centered and using Liz to be in the limelight. However, his latest statement proves that reality TV isn’t everything to him. Ed deserves to be on 90 Day: The Single Life because he has humbled himself. While he enjoys the attention, he’s not determined to be on reality TV.

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Ed’s new journey will be fun to watch because of his new boundaries. He has calmed down and would do everything to respect his future partner.

Big Ed Has Changed A Lot After Liz Split

Ed Is Working As A Real Estate Agent In Arkansas

Liz Woods daughter Ryleigh talking to Big Ed Brown In 90 Day Fiance and holding his pet dog

Like most people, Ed has greatly changed after his breakup. He has become a new man, not always causing chaos or looking to be the center of attention. Ed has also found a fresh career, changing everything about himself. Over the years, viewers only saw Ed as a San Diego-based photographer who liked to entertain people. However, that’s no longer the case. In 2024, Ed is a real estate agent with a serious career. He’s living in Arkansas and working on himself. His new life makes him a great fit for 90 Day: The Single Life.

Big Ed Is Looking To Date A Woman His Age

Ed Is Looking To Date A Conservative Christian Woman

Big Ed Brown on 90 Day Fiancé confesssional wearing blue shirt

Viewers may also enjoy watching Ed again because he has new relationship goals. From 2020 to 2023, Ed was mostly interested in dating young single moms. He was called a creep for not wanting to be with a woman his age. In 2024, Ed has new expectations from life. He’s no longer looking to be with another young woman. Instead, he wants to be with someone closer to his age. In an interview with ET Online, Ed said he wants to find a conservative Christian middle-aged woman who can build something meaningful with him.

Big Ed Wants To Lose Weight

Fans Would Like To Follow Ed’s Fitness Journey

montage of Big Ed from 90 day fiance with orange and pink colors

Ed’s return to 90 Day: The Single Life promises to be a compelling watch, especially considering his ongoing weight loss journey.

A few years ago, Liz accused Ed of pressuring her to lose weight, a claim that painted him in a negative light. However, Ed has been working hard to improve his health and fitness, a journey the audience could follow and support him on. If the Arkansas resident joined the spin-off, viewers would see him deal with the same pressure Liz felt a year ago. It will humble him and make him a better man.

Ed has already lost a lot of weight since January 2024. He started his fitness journey in March 2024, citing his desire to become healthy before his trip to Thailand. He was 228 pounds then and dropped 12 pounds within a week. Ed continued to lose weight in the following months. By April, he had dropped 17 pounds; in May 2024, he was down 19 pounds. Ed’s working hard and eating healthy. The 90 Day Fiancé franchise star is exercising and staying consistent, which is improving his physical and mental health.

Big Ed Deserves To Conclude His Storyline Finally

Ed Might Redeem Himself With Fans

90 Day Fiancé's Big Ed Brown in a montage image, with both showing him wearing a black shirt.

Ed should be in 90 Day: The Single Life because he deserves a chance to repair his reputation. He has made many mistakes over the years, which has turned many fans against him. However, he’s not an inherently evil person who’s beyond help. Ed knows his issues and works hard to be a better man daily.

He’s a flawed human being who deserves one final chance to prove he’s a good guy and a family man who cares about his mother, daughter, friends, and future partner.

Ed also deserves a chance to conclude his long-running story. He has been trying to find his ideal partner since 2020. Ed has put a lot of effort and money into building a stable relationship with women who weren’t compatible with him. In 2024, Ed realized he’d have a much better life with someone down-to-earth. Therefore, it’ll be nice to see Ed finally meet the person he wants and settle down for good. While he has been a popular 90 Day Fiancé franchise villain, his changed behavior shows he deserves forgiveness and a happy ending.

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