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Below Deck

Did Ben Willoughby Face a Shocking Dismissal in the Below Deck Season 11 Finale?

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Did Ben Willoughby Face a Shocking Dismissal in the Below Deck Season 11 Finale?

Below Deck’s Ben Willoughby and Captain Kerry look serious, with flames surrounding them.

Ben Willoughby was the problematic bosun on Below Deck season 11, but did Captain Kerry Titheridge fire him in the finale? In a preview leading up to the finale, Captain Kerry gave Ben and Kyle Stillie a talking-to after they hadn’t cleaned their cabins for an inspection. The captain wasn’t impressed with their behavior, and a season’s worth of frustration boiled over into a feud between the three, particularly towards his bosun, Ben. Was the disrespect enough to throw Ben overboard on the last charter of Below Deck season 11, or did Captain Kerry give him another chance?

Given his background, Ben seemed to be a natural when he first appeared on Below Deck season 10. The deckhand-turned-bosun hails from Australia and was raised in an outdoorsy family. Initially, Ben didn’t intend to pursue a career in the yachting industry, but he’s fully entrenched in the Below Deck franchise. However, his promising background didn’t lead to a flawless charter season. Between Ben’s constant red flags with Sunny Marquis and his lack of professionalism aboard the St. David, his time on the show should be up.

Captain Kerry Expressed His Displeasure With Ben

He Disrespected The Chain Of Command

” This is a total disrespect, and it is not following the chain of command. ”

Captain Kerry finally reached the end of his rope with Ben in the season 11 finale. Ben, along with fellow crew member Kyle, failed a crucial cabin check, which led to a heated confrontation with Kerry. The captain, who usually maintained a supportive and easygoing demeanor, expressed his frustration with their disregard for the chain of command. Captain Kerry warned Ben and Kyle about the consequences of their actions if they did not rectify their cabin situation. Instead of immediately apologizing, Ben felt defensive and angry at his captain, adding to his unlikable character.

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“This is a total disrespect, and it is not following the chain of command,” Captain Kerry lectured, adding, “I’ve been out here, and I’ve busted my a** to help you guys out.” Despite firing Jared Woodin and Chef Anthony Iracane, Captain Kerry continued to give Ben and Chief Stew Fraser Olender too many chances.

“Ben was a consistently problematic bosun, but Captain Kerry showed restraint in firing him.”

However, this wasn’t the first time Ben exhibited insubordination aboard the St. David. Ben’s refusal to comply with Captain Kerry’s cabin inspection might have seemed frivolous, but the chain of command aboard a yacht helps the charters go smoothly and affects safety standards. Ben expressed frustration with what he perceived as Captain Kerry’s micromanagement throughout the season, stating he “couldn’t win” when working under his superior. His power-hungry attitude should’ve been a firable offense, but Captain Kerry kept giving him chances.

Ben Should’ve Been Fired A Long Time Ago

He Failed As A Bosun Too Many Times

Below Deck’s Captain Kerry Titheradge looks stern, while Ben Willoughby and Kyle Stillie sit next to each other with guilt.

Despite his repeated insubordination, poor performance, and romantic distractions, Captain Kerry didn’t fire Ben in the finale. Ben was consistently underwhelming in his role as bosun. Ben couldn’t demonstrate his capabilities, mainly due to a lack of professionalism. He didn’t listen to Captain Kerry and even potentially broke maritime law in an early charter. Ben was frequently distracted by his relationship with Sunny and stirred drama with his ex, Camille Lamb from Below Deck season 10. This behavior impacted his work performance and his ability to focus on his responsibilities.

” Ben wasn’t my first choice to be in that position, but he does know the boat well.”

Captain Kerry initially had faith in Ben’s potential to handle the job effectively, but he should have fired him after he repeatedly failed to meet expectations. The captain’s onscreen comments suggest Ben came close to being fired multiple times. “Ben wasn’t my first choice to be in that position, but he does know the boat well,” the captain noted. It seems Captain Kerry chose to tough out the season with Ben rather than find someone outside St. David who was better for the job.

Ben’s Return To Below Deck Season 12 Isn’t Happening

He Is Unlikely To Come Back

Below Deck Season 11's Ben Willoughby in a teal polo with montage in background pink and purple filters

Ben is unlikely to return for Below Deck season 12. When a fan asked on his Instagram stories if he would return, Ben replied, “don’t count on it,” effectively confirming his departure. Ben also hadn’t been shy about his displeasure with Captain Kerry and said he would never want to work for him again. Given Captain Kerry was spotted filming season 12, Ben won’t be aboard the St. David for another season.

Ben was a problematic cast member in Below Deck season 11, but his behavior wasn’t enough to get him fired. However, his behavior after the show burned bridges between him and Captain Kerry, meaning he’s unlikely to return to the series. Ben underperformed as the bosun and shouldn’t return to the franchise. Someone hardworking and professional needs to take his place.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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