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Below Deck

Is Below Deck Chef Nick Tatlock struggles with crew dynamics, but Captain Kerry supports him despite conflicts with stews Paris and Fraser

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Is Below Deck Chef Nick Tatlock struggles with crew dynamics, but Captain Kerry supports him despite conflicts with stews Paris and Fraser

Below Deck's Chef Nick Tatlock, with Captain Kerry Titheradge and Fraser Olender looking serious

Below Deck season 11’s new chef Nick Tatlock has been finding it difficult to work with Chief Stew Fraser Olender and Stew Paris Field, but this time Captain Kerry Titheradge is on his side. Throughout Below Deck season 11, Captain Kerry has been working hard to cultivate a culture that allows his staff to be open and upfront about their issues. While Captain Kerry has been a great all-around Captain, some problems in the most recent Below Deck episodes with the crew have pressured the Captain heavily. Though the crew has been working hard, some have struggled more than others.

Although there’s been issues from time to time throughout Below Deck season 11, Chef Nick is the newest member of the crew and hasn’t raised many problems. After his first charter, Chef Nick and Paris had some issues aboard St. David, but neither were taking their problems to the Captain. Paris, who’s newer to the St. David crew as well, felt that she could work through the issues she was facing with Chef Nick, but after his second charter, there were even bigger problems. Nick’s attitude may not have been easy to handle, but was Paris surprisingly out of line?

Nick Made Some Inappropriate Comments About Paris

He Wasn’t Careful With His Words

montage of paris and chef nick from below deck season 11

After joining Below Deck season 11, it became clear that Nick was one of the quirkier members of St. David’s crew. Replacing Chef Anthony Iracane, Nick had some big shoes to fill as he became the new chef for the superyacht crew at the tail end of the charter season. Nick’s attitude was far different than Anthony’s, which many felt was a good change of pace after Anthony had struggled to keep his composure when things became difficult in the galley. While Nick had been a welcome addition, his attitude wasn’t the best when it came to his fellow crewmates.

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Though Nick’s had some moments of frustration in the galley, it’s been clear that he’s a capable, skilled chef. While he’s been working hard to create meals that wow the charter guests and meet their dietary needs, Nick’s behavior has been difficult to defend in some instances when it comes to the rest of the crew. In particular, Nick’s behavior toward Paris has been uncomfortable in moments between the two, as the chef has made some rude remarks towards Paris about her body and her weight thus far in the charter season.

Paris And Fraser Have Been Trying To Help Nick

The Interior Team Has Been Working In The Galley

below deck montage featuring fraser oldender in two poses with shoreline and blue dot background

Even though Nick’s behavior has been less-than-savory in moments, Paris and Fraser have been doing their best to help the new chef acclimate to the environment as quickly as possible. Though Nick has experience as a superyacht chef, he’s new to St. David and coming in at such a stressful time could have been difficult for him, especially considering the whole crew has known each other for the duration of the charter season. Paris and Fraser have been working hard to make sure Nick feels welcome, and is doing things the way they’ve seen work this charter season.

While Paris and Fraser have been doing their best to help, it’s been clear that Nick doesn’t have much interest in their brand of expertise. As a longtime chef, Nick hasn’t been receptive to Paris and Fraser’s suggestions in the galley. While it appears the interior team is only trying to help out, Nick has been going with his own instincts instead, rejecting the help he’s been offered time and time again.

Chef Nick Deferred To Paris Despite Being A Higher Rank

She Shared She Was Respecting Fraser’s Wishes

Screenshot of Below Deck's Chef Nick Tatlock smiling

During one of the most recent Below Deck season 11 charters, Chef Nick and Paris were working together to create a lunch on the beach for the of guests aboard St. David. Though they were working in tandem, Paris and Nick were struggling to see eye-to-eye about the majority of the meal. While Paris had been sent to the beach with specific instructions from Fraser, Nick had his own idea of how he wanted the table to be set up and the meal to be plated.

Prior to the guests arriving, Paris and Nick argued about the plating specifically, as Nick was looking to have the guests’ sushi meal plated in a specific family style way, while Paris was doing what Fraser had asked. Ultimately, Nick chose to allow Paris’ plating to take precedence, ignoring what he wanted in favor of what she was continually pushing. Though Nick’s rank is higher than Paris’ or Fraser’s, he felt that the fight wasn’t worth it after Paris had pushed back on him several times..

Captain Kerry Sided With Chef Nick

He Explained He Was Going Off Of Rankcaptain kerry from below deck season 11 with yellow filtered and teal stripe background

When the issue of plating came up with Captain Kerry, he was shocked to hear that someone as highly ranked as Nick would defer to Paris, a lower ranked stew. He asked Paris about why she felt that she should continue to push Nick on what he wanted, and she explained that Fraser had said he wanted the plating a certain way for the meal, so she’d taken the order from her direct supervisor. Paris hadn’t considered that Nick was higher ranked than Fraser, and therefore should’ve been listened to.

Captain Kerry explained to Paris that she shouldn’t be putting herself in the middle of issues like the one between Nick and Fraser, but didn’t reprimand her further. Instead, he called Nick and Fraser to the bridge together and shared that he wasn’t happy with their communication thus far. The Captain let Fraser know that under no circumstances should he try to go over the chef’s head, especially when it comes to issues with the food or plating in the galley. He shared Nick and Fraser need to keep lines of communication open.

Is Nick In The Right For Wanting To Do Things His Way?

He’s The One With The Kitchen Knowledge

Throughout Below Deck season 11, it has been clear that the mix of personal and professional hasn’t worked for the crew members during the charter season. From Fraser’s personal issues with stew Barbie Pascual to Ben Willoughby and Marie “Sunny” Marquis’ boatmance bringing them both personal turmoil that has crossed over into professional at times, the mixture of the two realms can be hard to avoid, but is best for a healthy workplace. While Nick has been disrespectful to Paris in the past, his personal issues with the stew have nothing to do with his level of work.

Nick’s rank is higher than most anyone aboard St. David, aside from the Captain himself, so his word on the food coming out of the galley and the way it’s presented should be final. Though Fraser has had some collaboration with other chefs throughout his time aboard St. David, Nick has more specifications than he’s used to. Below Deck season 11’s Fraser needs to respect Nick moving forward, as he’s clearly the one that’s meant to be in control of the meals.

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