Below Deck

Why Sunny Marquis Takes the Villain Role in Below Deck Season 11, Instead of Ben Willoughby

Why Sunny Marquis Takes the Villain Role in Below Deck Season 11, Instead of Ben Willoughby

Sunny Marquis montage from Below Deck Season 11

Ben Willoughby has been painted as the villain of Below Deck season 11, but that title truly belongs to deckhand Marie “Sunny” Marquis. She started as the only woman part of the St. David’s exterior team. Sunny and Ben formed an early connection and quickly jumped into a “boatmance” with each other. He named her his lead deckhand after he was promoted to Bosun when Jared Woodin was fired. It was unclear if Ben chose the right lead deckhand, and he may have let his feelings for Sunny influence his decision.

Throughout Below Deck season 11, Sunny and Ben’s boatmance has been up and down. They started strong, but when Ben began flirting with other St. David crew members, it went downhill. He came into the season deadset on not forming a new relationship with a crew member like he had during Below Deck season 10. Nevertheless, Ben formed a boatmance with Sunny and has been labeled the villain of Below Deck season 11. However, he may have been portrayed wrongfully.

Sunny Admitted She’s Destructive In Relationships

Is Sunny The Drama?

Below Deck Star Sunny Marquis with pink filtered background and lightning strikes

After a breakdown, Sunny admitted that her relationships always seem to go awry. During Below Deck season 11, Sunny and Ben’s boatmance became muddled as he continued to flirt with other women on the St. David. She brought these concerns to him, and he dismissed her feelings. Ben was insistent that he was not dating the deckhand but took her off-guard when he started expressing an interest in Below Deck season 10 alum Camille Lamb again. When Ben found out she was upset, he told her they weren’t “attached to each other whatsoever” despite hooking up.

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“It’s just there is always something. I was just annoyed. I just need to finish this charter season strong, so I think you know where we are.”

After their interaction, Sunny confided in her friends, Barbie Pascual and Paris Field. She said she understood Ben, saying he felt like he couldn’t “be himself.” Sunny said it felt like “there’s always something wrong” in her relationships, “like I’m f***ing toxic.” It was sad to see her breakdown. However, she did hint that she is destructive in relationships. Ben should not be leading Sunny on, and he told her exactly where they stood. It came off harsh, but it was better he let Sunny know where he stood instead of leaving her guessing.

Sunny Know’s Ben’s Intentions But Continues To Be With Him

Sunny Shouldn’t Stay With Someone Who Treats Her With No Respect


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Ben went into Below Deck season 11 with the goal of not getting into another boatmance. After Ben’s relationship with Camille during season 10, he didn’t want to become attached to another woman. However, when he met Sunny, they naturally hit it off and started hooking up. Ben was still thinking about Camille when he was with Sunny and made things awkward when he began posting about his ex on social media. Sunny was not expecting his posts, and Ben told his Instagram followers that his relationship with Camille wasn’t over.

Sunny chatted with Barbie and Paris about her relationship with Ben. She said she knew they were “just sleeping together” and weren’t in a committed relationship but admitted the situation was “really hard” for her to navigate. When Ben found out Sunny wasn’t happy about his posts, he was angry and confused. He thought it was clear that they weren’t dating and felt Sunny had nothing to be upset about. When they finally talked, Ben made it clear they were single and not together.

“If we sleep together, we sleep together. If we don’t, we don’t. ”

She knew Ben was not looking for a relationship but continued to pursue their boatmance. It was heartbreaking to see Sunny so upset about Ben’s social media posts about Camille. However, he thought he had made it clear they were not going to be together and were simply hooking up. Sunny should have called their boatmance off after Ben flirted with Paris at the beginning of Below Deck season 11. However, they still hooked up, and she got hurt in the process. Nowadays, they’re still friendly, and Ben has posted pictures of Sunny on his Instagram.

Sunny Shamed Chef Nick For His Age

She Apologized For Making Fun Of Him Being 40

Below Deck Season 11's Chef Nick Tatlock in his black chef coat with green filtered and orange neon background montage

Sunny made comments about Chef Nick Tatlock’s age, the replacement for Chef Anthony Iracane. Chef Nick is 40, making him one of the eldest crew members aboard the St. David. The rest of the crew pointed this out, and Sunny apologized to Chef Nick following backlash for speaking about his age. On her Instagram, Sunny explained, “What I meant to say is the chef was older, and most people in the industry are in their 20’s and early 30s like it really rare you see people over 40.”

Sunny was one of the Below Deck season 11 crew members who shamed Chef Nick about being 40. She cleared the drama up in her Instagram Stories but shouldn’t have made the comments in the first place. Sunny even said that people in their 40s weren’t old but just middle-aged. It wasn’t in the best taste for Sunny to joke about Chef Nick’s age on Below Deck season 11, and it only fueled her image as a potential villain of the season.

Sunny Didn’t Defend Barbie Against Ben

Sunny Should Have Had Her Friend’s Back Against Her Boatmance

Below Deck season 11's Ben with Sunny and Barbie behind him

She wasn’t there for her good friend, Barbie, when she was feuding with Ben. Barbie hooked up with deckhand Kyle Stillie, one of Ben’s good friends. After they slept together, she started feeling bad about how her father would receive it, and she started distancing herself from Kyle. Ben took it upon himself to confront Barbie about this, reprimanding her for not speaking with Kyle. “How was your night, darling? How about Kyle? I woke up this morning to Kyle being very upset,” he said as he approached Barbie.

Ben continued aggressively urging Barbie to approach Kyle because he didn’t know how to speak with her. She felt attacked by Ben and told him it wasn’t his place to get involved with her relationships. Barbie even pointed out she was Sunny’s friend and hadn’t approached Ben to urge him to treat her better. She then went on to tell her friend, Paris, about the interaction. Sunny didn’t stand up to Ben and defend Barbie against him, which she could have done. The confrontation was unwarranted, and Sunny should have defended her good friend.

While Ben has gotten the villain edit on Below Deck season 11, there are some underlying signs Sunny is the real villain of the season. She stayed in her complicated boatmance with Ben despite him saying he didn’t want a relationship. Sunny is not innocent in the narrative and might be the undercover villain of Below Deck season 11.


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