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90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé’s Jibri Bell gets intimate with three women, while Miona flaunts her new boyfriend

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90 Day Fiancé’s Jibri Bell gets intimate with three women, while Miona flaunts her new boyfriend

90 Day Fiance's Jibri Bell looks happy while Miona looks villainous in the background.

Jibri Bell from 90 Day Fiancé was seen getting close with three women in Serbia after his estranged wife, Miona Bell, introduced her new boyfriend on Instagram. Jibri and Miona were featured in 90 Day Fiancé season 9. Despite disapproval from his parents and friends, Jibri married Miona in Joshua Tree, California, in a ceremony performed by his grandmother, Cheyne. After the season ended, Jibri and Miona moved to Palm Springs, but their relationship began to deteriorate over time. In late 2023, rumors of their breakup started circulating. In early May, Miona made her relationship with Terzel Ron official.

“90 Day Fiancé ‘s Jibri Bell posts an Instagram Story in which he could be seen getting close with three women in a car.”

While Miona still resides in Palm Springs, Jibri is currently on a world tour. He had been exploring Balkan culture in Miona’s home country, Serbia, where he has several friends. He enjoyed the local cuisine and working out to maintain his weight loss. Jibri recently posted an Instagram Story from Barcelona, Spain, showing himself hanging out with three women in the backseat of a car.

Jibri Bell 90 Day Fiancé Instagram Story Partying with friends

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In the video, Jibri could be seen dressed in a white shirt, kissing one of the women on the cheek, while a rap song played in the background. He appeared cheerful in the video

Is Jibri Bell Trying To Make Miona Jealous?

Jibri Likely Wants His Fans To Know He Isn’t Heartbroken Anymore

Miona Bell and Jibri Bell on 90 Day Fiancé talking on couch in colorful outfit

It appears that Jibri planned a trip to Barcelona with his Serbian friends to explore more Balkan culture. Despite seeing Miona with her new partner, he doesn’t appear heartbroken. It seems that Jibri has moved on from her. He may not be trying to make his estranged wife jealous, but simply enjoying the company of his female friends whom he reunited with after a long time. However, the way Jibri filmed the video, including the moment in which he gave his friend a peck on her cheek,looked like a deliberate attempt to make Miona jealous.

Jibri has reentered the dating scene after his breakup with Miona. He has dated a few women but hasn’t yet found the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. While Miona is already considering getting married to her new boyfriend and having children, Jibri is more focused on achieving his goal of visiting and experiencing every culture. In his latest Instagram Story, Jibri didn’t explain whether he was dating any of the three women. However, it appears that he has formed a closer bond with the woman he kissed in the video.

“It seems that Jibri is using spirituality and immersing himself in different cultures to distract himself from the pain of his heartbreak.”

He likely keeps himself busy with friends and working out, avoiding sitting with his thoughts and processing the betrayal he experienced. It’s uncertain when Jibri and Miona actually broke up, but they have been separated for only nine months, which doesn’t seem like enough time to move on from a marriage. Hopefully, the 90 Day Fiancé alum takes the time to focus on self-reflection and heal from his heartbreak.

“It seems that Jibri is using spirituality and immersing himself in different cultures to distract himself from the pain of his heartbreak.”

He likely keeps himself busy with friends and working out, avoiding sitting with his thoughts and processing the betrayal he experienced. It’s uncertain when Jibri and Miona actually broke up, but they have been separated for only nine months, which doesn’t seem like enough time to move on from a marriage. Hopefully, the 90 Day Fiancé alum takes the time to focus on self-reflection and heal from his heartbreak.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/
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